Services Offered


-Spinal x-rays

-Thermal Scans

-Spinal Exams

-Spinal/Extremity Adjustments

-Manual Therapy

-Soft Tissue Therapy

-Therapeutic Exercises

-Mechanical Traction

-Spinal Decompression

We are a holistic and wellness office focusing on the restoration of nerve function and normalizing structural integrity.  "Structure determines function" by correcting the alignment of the spine the body is more efficient in movement and has less friction and inflammation reducing the cause of most problems.  We recommend chiropractic adjustments and structural corrective plans.

We have seen numerous patients with long standing chronic illnesses recover through the works of Chiropractic. The benefits of Chiropractic are life changing.

We care for patients with:

Headaches, Neck Pain, Posture Correction, Shoulder Tension, Numbness & Tingling in the Arms/Legs,Scoliosis, Herniated Disc, Sinus/Asthma, Insomnia, Mid/Low Back Pain, Leg Pain and more

Read about Dr. Cucci's mission trip to the City of Charity in San Rafael Argentina.